Malton, Yorks - AGM Itinerary
Saturday 15th June 2002

Easingwold St John Baptist & All Saints - 8, 9-3-5 SE526701 10.00-10.45am
Hovingham All Saints - 6, 11-1-0 SE667757 11.15-11.45am
Helmsley All Saints - 8, 14-3-27 SE613839 12.00-12.40pm
Kirby Moorside All Saints - 6, 8-3-3 SE697866 2.45-3.15pm
Norton St Peter - 8, 14-3-20 SE794710 3.40-4.15pm
TEA & AGM - Parish Room. 4.15pm
Malton St Leonard - 8, 12-2-22 SE788716 5.45-6.30pm
6.30pm - Mass at St Leonard's, Malton.

For confirmation of times please phone or email the organiser Barrie Dove, email Barrie Dove.

Barrie is planning to reserve a table for lunch for everyone in a pub, so if you are intending to come it would be a great help if you could let him know in advance, please.

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