NE Essex Outing
Saturday 19th March 2016

Ardleigh, St Mary 8, 13cwt 10:00 - 10:45 After Mass, please enter the Church quietly via the tower door as the Mass might not be over.
Great Bromley, St George 6, 15cwt 11:15 - 12:00

Lunch - pub tbc.

Thorpe le Soken, St Michael 6, 9cwt 14:00 – 14:45
Great Holland, All Saints. 8, 15cwt 15:15 – 16:00 (Best 8 in NE Essex according to the tower captain).
Kirby le Soken 8, 9 3/4cwt 16:15 - 17:00 (2nd best 8 in NE Essex according to the Great Holland tower captain).

For those interested in stopping on – Mass 18:00 followed by visit to The British India (Indian restaurant) and or The Lock & Barrel (Pub) or any of above all in Frinton–on– Sea.

For anyone travelling on the Friday evening ringing can be arranged if required, like wise should anyone be staying over on the Saturday night Sunday am ringing is available.

If anyone is staying over there is a new Travel Lodge in Clacton on Sea and a Premier Inn at Weeley. There are loads of other places in the area for B & B etc.

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