Liverpool Outing & AGM
Saturday 18th June 2005
Liverpool Cathedral 12, 82 cwt 9.45 - 11 am SJ354894
West Derby * 6, 12 cwt 2 - 2.30 pm SJ395927
Tuebrook 8, 16 cwt 3 - 3.45 pm SJ383924
St Francis Xavier, Liverpool 8, 16 cwt 4.45 - 5.30 pm SJ356912
Liturgy 5.30 pm SJ356912
AGM in church hall 6.30 pm

All towers confirmed except *

Suggested hotels :

Dolby Hotel, Queens Dock, which you can book on Alternatively see to book by email. Standard rooms are £45 per night (rooms sleep 3 people). Tel. 0151 708 7272. Private car park. Has a bar and restaurant.

Campanile Liverpool, Chaloner St, which you can also book online at Rooms are £46.50 per night. Tel 01704 543300.

Ibis Hotel, 27 Wapping (this is where some of us stayed when we last had a Guild outing to Liverpool) – book online at Rooms are £52.95 per night. Tel 0151 7069800

For further information, please email Graham Turner

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